In recent years, productivity has been gaining momentum as a key measure for success. Most businesses and diligent employees are keen to learn how to work smarter, not harder.

You don’t have to look far to find a wealth of resources on employee productivity. There are books, articles, blogs, YouTube channels, podcasts and more.

We’ve put together our favourite tips to help you raise the productivity bar in your workplace.

Encourage breaks

Breaks at work can boost productivity. Some theories suggest a 90-minute work cycle. This aligns with your ultradian rhythm. After that, you can take a short break. The Pomodoro Technique is another method. It advises a short break every 25 minutes. After working for 1 hour and 40 minutes, you can take a longer break.

No matter your method, there are apps that can help. Browser extensions are also available to help you stay focused.

Provide healthy snacks

Healthy snacks not only satisfy your team’s hunger. They can also increase productivity.

The World Health Organization claims that malnutrition can reduce productivity and economic growth.

To combat poor nutrition place bowls filled with various fruits and healthy snacks. Keep this within easy reach of employees. Replace biscuits with nuts and seeds and stock vending machines with healthy snacks.

If you want to go one step further, why not implement a range of workplace wellness initiatives?

Double up on screens

Women at a computer

Are you using a small, single screen for work? A simple change could boost your productivity. Consider upgrading to a larger screen. It’s a relatively low-cost solution. This could make a big difference in your work efficiency.

Studies have found that using dual or multiple screens can increase productivity.

Jon Peddie Research conducted a study in 2017. They found that using multiple displays increased productivity. The increase was a whopping 42%.

Maximise natural light

Lighting in the workplace is easy to overlook. But good lighting is key to keeping staff healthy, happy and productive. Staples conducted a study in 2018. They surveyed 7,000 office workers. 80% of them said good workspace lighting is important.

Thirty two percent said better lighting would make them happier at work. Sixty eight percent admitted they would feel more valued by their employers if they invested in suitable lighting.

Be flexible

Women at home with a dog

The traditional 9 to 5 doesn’t suit everyone. You may find employees are at their most productive earlier in the morning or later in the evening.

Allowing employees to choose their working hours can boost productivity. It can also create a better balance between work and life.

The Chartered Management Institute conducted research in 2018. It showed that 48% of managers believe that flexibility allows for more productivity.

A YouGov survey was conducted in 2017. It found that 66% of working Brits would prefer their eight-hour workday to start and finish earlier.

Offering compressed hours, term-time hours, part-time or flexi-time working is becoming the norm.

Giving employees the freedom to manage their own schedules can be hugely beneficial. It may also help keep and attract the best talent.

Declutter desks

We’ve all heard the theory that a cluttered environment leads to a cluttered mind. Scientists at the Princeton University Neuroscience Institute believe this to be true. Their research has shown that our brains like order. When participants cleared clutter from their workspace, they found it easier to focus.

Implementing a clear desk policy is a simple way to encourage employees to stay organised.

When you and your employees are more productive, you’ll have more time for other business tasks. This could make big differences in your company.

Why not put in place a few of these tips and measure the impact they have on your workplace?

Offer employee benefits

Providing employee benefits can make your workforce feel valued. So, may be more likely to go the extra mile.

Several studies show that offering employees benefits can increase productivity and wellness. For example, one study found that people who were given snacks were 20% more productive. Those who received nothing were less productive.

Death in service insurance is an employee benefit that could offer advantages to employers and employees.

A death in service insurance policy covers employees at no cost to them. It aims to pay out a lump sum to employee's loved ones in the unfortunate event of their passing.

It may offer peace of mind by ensuring their loved ones will be helped financially when they’re no longer around.

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