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Contact Details Why do we need this? We will only use your information to contact you about your quote enquiry for group life insurance unless you provide marketing permissions.Contact Full Name:{{ errors.first('contact_full_name') }}Contact Email Address:{{ errors.first('contact_email_address') }}Contact Phone Number:{{ errors.first('contact_phone_number') }}
Company DetailsIs your business registered in the UK? Yes No{{ errors.first('registered_uk') }}Protect My People are only able to provide quotes for companies based in the United Kingdom.Is your business registered with Companies House??If your company is registered with Companies House you can perform a search for your business on here to fill in your details. If you want to put your details in yourself, please select "No." Yes No{{ errors.first('registered_company') }}Company Name:{{ errors.first('company_name') }}Lookup CompanyLoading..Searching...Select Company Name:Please select{{ company }}Showing {{ currentResults }} results out of a total of{{ totalResults }}Company Number:{{ errors.first('company_number') }}If you are registered with Companies House then this is neccessary to return a quote.The company name you have entered has not be recognised, please check these details and try again. If this problem persists you can enter these details manually below, call us on 08003265491 or drop us an email at hello@protectmypeople.comHow many years has your company been in business?{{ errors.first('chLookup_years_in_business') }}Company Address:{{ errors.first('company_address') }}Please confirm the nature of your business:?In order to provide a quote, the insurer will require details of the type of business you operate.Agriculture Horticulture Forestry and FishingCharityConstructionDistribution Hotels and Catering and RepairsEnergy and Water Supply IndustriesFinancing Insurance & Business ServicesIT TechnologyLeisure Industries (Sprots & Casinos)Manufacturing IndustriesMedical (Medical/Vets/Dentists)Metal Goods Engineering and Vehicle IndustriesPrintingPublic SectorTelecommunicationsTextilesTransport and CommunicationOther{{ errors.first('nature_of_business') }}Other(Please state){{ errors.first('nature_of_business_other') }}Company Postcode:SearchAdd address manually{{ errors.first('company_postcode') }}Please Select Address From The List Below:Please select{{ address.Text + address.Description }}{{ errors.first('select_address') }}Company Name:{{ errors.first('company_name') }}Company Address Line 1:{{ errors.first('company_address_line_1') }}Company Address Line 2:{{ errors.first('company_address_line_2') }}Company Address Line 3 (optional):{{ errors.first('company_address_line_3') }}Company Province{{ errors.first('company_province') }}Company City{{ errors.first('company_city') }}Company Postcode{{ errors.first("manual_company_postcode") }}How many years has your company been in business?Please select1 year or less2 years or less3 years or less5 years or less7 years or less10 years or lessMore than 10 years{{ errors.first('years_in_business') }}Please confirm the nature of your business:?In order to provide a quote, the insurer will require details of the type of business you operate.Please selectAgriculture Horticulture Forestry and FishingCharityConstructionDistribution Hotels and Catering and RepairsEnergy and Water Supply IndustriesFinancing Insurance & Business ServicesIT TechnologyLeisure Industries (Sprots & Casinos)Manufacturing IndustriesMedical (Medical/Vets/Dentists)Metal Goods Engineering and Vehicle IndustriesPrintingPublic SectorTelecommunicationsTextilesTransport and CommunicationOther{{ errors.first('nature_of_business') }}Other(Please state){{ errors.first('nature_of_business_other') }}
Your Policy Requirements{{ errors.first('name_for_scheme') }}1. How many employees are to be covered by this scheme:?This is the total number of employees you want to be covered under the group life policy{{ errors.first('number_of_employees') }}2. Are you covering all eligible employees within your company based on your proposed scheme criteria? Yes No{{ errors.first('all_eligible_employees') }}When deciding on the structure of your scheme you should also consider any relevant employment laws on discrimination or unfair treatment; for example, those about age, equal treatment of men and women, and the treatment of part time, fixed term and disabled employees.3. When do you need the cover for your employees to end??This is the age of your employees when the policy will cease to cover them. You may want to consider the current age of your employees when completing this. 65 years old (or State Pension Age if higher) 75 years old{{ errors.first('when_cover_stops') }}4. Please confirm your definition of 'salary' from the list below?Basic annual salary: Basic salary is the amount paid to an employee before any extras are added or taken off, such as reductions because of salary sacrifice schemes or an increase due to overtime or a bonus. Total earnings in the last tax year: This is the basic salary paid to an employee after extras are added or taken off over the last tax year (April to March). Total earnings in the last 12 months: This is the basic salary paid to an employee after extras are added or taken off over the previous 12 months.Please selectBasic Annual SalaryTotal earnings in the last tax yearTotal earnings in the last 12 months{{ errors.first('salary_definition') }}
Existing Policy5. Is this application replacing an existing group life registered scheme??ProtectMyPeople only provide quotes for registered schemes. We cannot provide quotes for excepted life schemes. For more information on the difference between registered and excepted schemes please visit theFAQs page. Yes No{{ errors.first('current_have_group_insurance') }}6. Which provider is your scheme currently with?{{ errors.first('current_scheme_provider') }}7. Have you had any claims in the last 5 years? Yes No{{ errors.first('current_scheme_any_claims') }}8. Have any employees, to be covered under the new policy, been medically underwritten or had any special terms applied? Yes No{{ errors.first('special_terms') }}
Level of CoverCategory {{ count+1 }}Please selectall employeesdirectorsmanagerspartnersall other employeesTUPE TransfersPermanent EmployeesZero-hour Contract Employees{{ errors.first('categories' + count) }}What level of cover do you need?Please select1x salary2x salary3x salary4x salary5x salary6x salary7x salary8x salaryI will specify a flat rate{{ errors.first('level_of_cover' + count) }}What is the required flat-rate for this scheme?£k{{ errors.first('categories_flat_rate') }}Please note that this field is in thousands of pounds e.g 11kRemove{{ errors.first('premium_frequency') }}Choose Annual Renewal Date:{{ errors.first('annual_renewal_date') }}{{ errors.first('salary_definition') }}What is the qualifying period?Please select0 months1 month2 months3 months4 months5 months6 months7 months8 months9 months10 months11 months12 months{{ errors.first('qualifying_period_length') }}Add another scheme categoryor continue to next section
Employee DataTell us about your people?To generate quotes, we will need you to supply information about your staff including date of birth, gender, salary and job title. If you have a file available you may upload it now.You're almost ready to start comparing quotes! We just need to know a few details about your colleagues.To help you out with this, we've provided an Excel template for you to download and complete. We only need:date of birthsalarygenderjob title for each member of your scheme first and last names are optional We will be unable to generate any quotes without this information. If you need any help with this step, feel free to give us a call on0800 326 5491.Or alternatively, you can skip this step for now and send us your employee information later (don't worry, we'll send you an email reminder).Download xlsUpload now:{{ errors.first('file_upload') }}We take your privacy seriously; this is why we never share your personal details with anyone else for their own marketing purposes. However, from time to time we would like to contact you with news, useful information and exclusive offers on products and services offered by Investment Discounts On Line Ltd brands. If you'd like to be kept up to date, please let us know how you would like to hear from us:EmailPersonalised Online MarketingTelephonePost
By clicking the 'Get Quotes' button, I/we consent to ProtectMyPeople processing the information that I/we provide in accordance with their Privacy Policy and Terms & Conditions which contains details of the Providers with whom they may share the data to obtain group life insurance quotes and any subsequent application details to your chosen provider.Get Quotes